Tuesday, 27 September 2016

33 Interactives and 10 other resources

This morning I have uploaded 28 Quizlet lists for French, Spanish and German, to go with the other interactives, and 5 interactive German games.

There are also some new resources for KS2 French, telling the time - thanks Catherine! - and some new KS3 Spanish worksheets - thanks Marie!


  1. Brilliant, thank you for all these and of course for the wonderful existing resources.

  2. Just tried a game (KS2 Spanish-Los NĂºmeros) and it's great thank you- the children will enjoy it and learn at the same time. Can I please ask if you're going to upload any dialogue cards for 'The Body' or other KS2 topics that don't have dialogue cards please? Thank you very much.

    1. Thanks for your commment! If you'd like to drop me an email via the website (see the 'About' page) saying what you'd like, I'll see what I can do.
