Light Bulb Languages now has accounts on Quizlet and StudyStack. I will be adding links to each activity on the Interactive Games pages for each language next time I do an update. In the meantime you can see the quizzes and vocabulary available and use them if you would like.
Quizlet is useful as it has an app and is therefore easy for children to use independently. I think that StudyStack is more primary-friendly. The activities can be embedded into blogs and websites but there is no direct app at present.
If there is any particular area of vocabulary that you would like a Quizlet or StudyStack activity on, please let me know in the comments (and please tell me which language!!)
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
33 new resources today
Today I have uploaded 33 new resources for French and Spanish.
- I can statements for the Spanish KS2 Scheme of Work for children to stick in their books
- Time resources for French
- French KS3 Grammar information sheets
And more!
Monday, 5 January 2015
Starting the new year with 12 new resources
I have uploaded 12 new resources today:
French display:
School equipment labels
School signs
Spanish display:
School equipment labels
School signs
French Car park activities:
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 11-20
Spanish Car park activities:
Numbers 1-10 (scroll down to "Worksheets)
Numbers 11-20
How to use Car park activities
French display:
School equipment labels
School signs
Spanish display:
School equipment labels
School signs
French Car park activities:
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 11-20
Spanish Car park activities:
Numbers 1-10 (scroll down to "Worksheets)
Numbers 11-20
How to use Car park activities
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