Saturday 5 September 2015

Rugby World Cup 2015

In my house we are getting very excited because the Rugby World Cup is so close.  We are going to see NZ vs Tonga en famille which means live Haka.  Being in Sunderland, you see, we don't have much to get excited about with football.

Light Bulb Languages has always led the way with football World Cup resources and so I thought it only right that we should have some Rugby World Cup ones as well.

To that end I have just uploaded the first eleven Rugby World Cup resources.  They are available in English, French and Spanish.

More to come!

Tuesday 1 September 2015

62 new resources today

I have just uploaded 62 new resources for you:

  • More sample dialogues for Primary French and Primary Spanish
  • My scheme of work for French, Y2-Y6
  • A range of "flicking games".  Sounds a bit violent, but it's hard to know what else to call it!  Here are the instructions, which are also included in each of the resources:
    Students work in pairs.Each pair will need a coin or counter, a whiteboard marker and a laminated copy of this number card.Students take it in turns to put their coin or counter on the black circle and push or flick it onto one of the number squares.  If they can say the correct word for that square, they can write their initial on the square with the marker.If they land on the spider, they have to erase their initials on one of the squares they have gained.If they land on the star, they get another turn.The winner is the first student to mark his initial on all the squares.
  • A range of "pointing" activities:Students can work individually or in pairs.They have in front of them a copy of  the sheet.The teacher has a copy on the IWB (see accompanying PowerPoint).As the teacher says each word, the students touch the correct part of the sheet.  First of all the teacher says  the words in order, then randomly.Finally, the teacher points to the words without speaking and the students say the words
    Both the flicking and the pointing activities are not language specific.
A tip for finding out which are the new resources on a page: If you are on a computer/laptop, press Ctrl+F to bring up a Find box. Then type in the date shown on the blogpost, such as today's 01.09.15. You'll then see how many resources were added on that day and can scroll through them.