Friday 29 May 2015

More Primary Spanish word mats

I have just uploaded the remaining 10 word mats for Primary Spanish.  They are intended to complement the units of the Light Bulb Languages scheme of work for KS2 Spanish.  If there is a word mat that you would like on a different topic, please get in touch.

Monday 18 May 2015

18 new resources

I have posted 18 new resources today, most of them for Primary French.  They include the first Primary French word mats.  There are also some for Primary Spanish.  Remember that resources added today will have "added 18.05.15" with them.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Primary word mats

Following a discussion on the Languages in Primary Schools group on Facebook last week, I have started to make word mats to accompany our primary schemes of work.  I have completed the first 10 for Spanish, which you will now find here.  More Spanish and all the French to come.