Friday, 20 September 2019

27 new resources today

I've just uploaded 27 new resources, among them:

  • some resources for the 2019 Rugby World Cup, which starts in Japan today.  (Thanks for the prod, Dawn!)
  • some writing strips for KS2 Spanish, like this one.  I'm trying to cut back on the number of worksheets I use, and therefore the amount of paper and glue!  These strips are stuck down the side of the page and then the children write their responses on the rest of the page
  • accent mats for French and Spanish
I've also uploaded all the Language Links posters so far -

I hope you are enjoying the Language Links.  At the moment I have one prepared for every day up until 16th October, and have lots more on my list to make.  If you can think of a language link that would make a good poster, please send it to us!

All of these resources are available to you absolutely free of charge.  I have not been and will not be paid for making them.  Please consider making a donation to the future of the website.